The Triad Split Pack™ split bobbin transformer is an extremely versatile tool for PC board applications. Split Pack™ transformers are nonconcentrically wound - with primaries and secondaries side-by-side. Unlike the secondary-on-top-of-primary designs of standard PC board transformers, the split bobbin winding and low capacitive coupling eliminate costly electrostatic shielding. It is offered in a dual secondary configuration with either single or dual primaries.
Unit of Measure
Number of Pins |
N/A 8 |
Electrical Rating |
N/A 1.1 V·A |
Secondary Voltage in Series |
N/A 10.0 V CT at 0.11 A |
Transformer Contact Type |
N/A Center Tap |
Secondary Voltage in Parallel |
N/A 5.0 V at 0.22 A |
Height (H) |
N/A 1 5/16 in |
Width (W) |
N/A 1 1/8 in |
Length (L) |
N/A 1 3/8 in |
Dimension (A) |
N/A 0.250 in |
Dimension (B) |
N/A 0.250 in |
Dimension (C) |
N/A 1.20 in |
Primary Voltage |
N/A 115 V230 V |
Primary Frequency |
N/A 50 Hz60 Hz |
Type |
N/A Dual Primary |
Weight |
N/A 0.20 lb |
Technical Notes