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Triad's A-57J Line to Line audio transformer provides the durability and precision required in today's demanding designs. Mu-Metal case construction for magnetic field immunity and 60 to 80 dB Hum reduction. Low level High Fidelity with excellent Unwanted Noise reduction. Uses include line to line and Inter-stage coupling as well as impedance matching of amplifiers to achieve maximum power transfer.
Unit of Measure

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Electrical Specifications at 25 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature

Maximum Input Level

N/A 50 mW


N/A 1.76 H

Primary Impedance

N/A 150 Ohm600 Ohm

Secondary Impedance

N/A 150 Ohm600 Ohm

Primary DCR

N/A 14.1 Ohm39.4 Ohm

Secondary DCR

N/A 16.8 Ohm46.9 Ohm

Drain, Waste, and Vent (DWV)

N/A 500 V

Overall Turn Ratio

N/A 1:1

Direct Current (DC) Resistance

DC Resistance (Primary)

N/A 40 Ohm

DC Resistance (Secondary)

N/A 44 Ohm


Frequency Response at (±) 3 dB

N/A 30 to 30000

RMS Test Voltage

N/A 500

Case Type



N/A Leads

Case Dimension (H)

N/A 1-3/4 in

Case Dimension (D)

N/A 1-3/8 in

Mounting Hole Diameter

N/A 3/8 in

Maximum Unit Weight

N/A 0.35 lb

Hum Reduction

N/A 40 to 60 dB



N/A Line or Transistor to Line

RoHS Compliance

RoHS Compliance

N/A As of manufacturing date February 2005, all standard products meet the requirements of 2011/65/EU, known as the RoHS initiative.



N/A Static Shield
Graph data was taken on a random sample using an Audio Precision Model APX555 Audio Analyzer.



  • Low level high fidelity.
  • Single-hole mounting, allowing rotation for maximum hum reduction.
  • Alloy shielding gives 40 to 60 dB hum reduction.
  • Wide frequency ranges.
  • Flexible leads for ease of mounting.
  • Input units electrostatically and magnetically shielded .
  • Lightweight.
  • Smooth, baked enamel cases, 1-3/8" diameter, 1-3/4" above chassis .
  • Legible circuit diagrams permanently affixed to every case.